Contractor Responsibility for New Orleans

At the City Council meeting on Thursday, October 21st, two ordinances were filed that will improve worker protections on projects for the City. The two ordinances address the responsibility of contractors who provide city services, including construction projects receiving public funds. If enacted, these laws will ensure that the business that has the direct contract with the City will be responsible for enforcement of all federal, state, and local laws that protect workers welfare on the job (including payment of wages and health and safety.)

One ordinance fixes a prior law that exempted City Contractors from responsibility for violations made by subcontractors on the project. The other will require anyone bidding on a city job to disclose which subcontractors will be used, and to be responsible for the acts, or violations, of any other business working on the job.

For over two years, the WJP has worked with a coalition of building trades unions and other community allies to bring this issue to the City Council. The ordinances are scheduled for a second reading on November 4th.


N.O. City Council Passes Responsible Contractor Law


Know Your Rights in the Workplace